Around The World Game

This quiz is guaranteed to get your brain working hard. In Around The World game you will have to remember not only geography, but also cultural features of different regions. No hints. Time is limited. Do you like a challenge? Then try your hand at Around The World!

Gameplay: puzzle features

The Around The World Game quiz is designed for real lovers of travelling. Each game is divided into 10 levels. At first, a question appears on the screen. It can be accompanied by a picture that clarifies the riddle.

In the lower part there are several answer options. Guess - go to the next question.

Additional complexity is added by the time limit. The player is given no more than 5 minutes to guess a chain of ten questions. At the end of each round the game will provide statistics of the number of errors and the total time.

The subject matter of the questions is very diverse:

  • geography: size and location of countries, etc.;
  • rivers and their size;
  • landmarks;
  • natural and man-made wonders;
  • capitals of countries and others.
The winner is the one who copes more accurately and quickly. If you don't manage within five minutes, you will have to go through the level again.


There is no help in the game. You have to find the right answer yourself. The player can use external hints, but it is necessary to remember - time does not stop. Lose too many seconds and you will have to replay the level.

Around The World is a great game for leisure time. It uses different themes and does not get boring. Guess the riddles yourself or compete with your friends.

In addition, Around The World will help you relax during a break at work. The game works from a standard browser. You don't need to download and install it. Around The World can also be played from your smartphone.

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