Country Flag Quiz

Online Country Flag Quiz will test your knowledge of country flags. About a hundred different variants of riddles in just one game. Here you will have to rely only on your own knowledge and intuition. Try to pass Country Flag Quiz without a single mistake!

Game Features

Online quiz will become your great pastime at leisure. The game consists of several rounds of 15 questions. In the upper part of the screen displays the name of the country. At the bottom there are four answer options. You need to answer all the riddles correctly.

Be careful - you have only a few seconds for each question. If you fail, you will have to replay the level.

Country Flag Quiz records how fast you answer the questions. When paired with accuracy, this data forms the player's statistics. The higher the score, the higher the rating. Only the best players will be able to set a new game record.

In Country Flag Quiz you can play by yourself and compete with friends. Go through the levels one by one, and record achievements. The winner is the one who gets the most points while making the fewest mistakes.

Similar puzzles

Want more geographical quizzes? Then here's a selection of themed puzzles you can play during a break from Country Flag Quiz:
  • World Flags Quiz - a quick and easy flag quiz - no clues, just you and your logic;
  • Geography Quiz - guess locations around the world using only the outlines of countries on the map;
  • Countries of the World Quiz - a quiz for real geography lovers.

Try each of these games and choose your favourite entertainment. All puzzles work online, you don't need to download and install them. Moreover, you can play the quiz right from your mobile device.

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